IMSU ASUU Protest over Delayed Promotion benefits, Unpaid pensions, Inclusion in Treasury Single Account others.


The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) at Imo State University (IMSU), situated in Owerri, Imo State, and led by Comrade Odinakachukwu Ejiogu, recently organized a peaceful protest to bring attention to a series of pressing grievances affecting its members. 

Chief among these concerns are the prolonged delays in promotions without corresponding financial benefits, the backlog of unpaid pensions, and various other challenges that significantly impact the welfare and morale of university staff.

Dr. Odinakachukwu Ejiogu, chairman of ASUU-IMSU, has urgently appealed to the Imo State governor, who serves as the university's visitor, to intervene promptly and decisively to address these longstanding issues. 

Central to their demands are the grievances related to promotions that have not been accompanied by the necessary financial adjustments, as well as complaints about selective salary payments, non-disbursement of earned academic allowances, failure to remit union dues, and the continued delay in implementing agreed-upon wage increases.

Despite repeated efforts to engage with university management, the commissioner for education, and the chief of staff, ASUU-IMSU asserts that little progress has been made in resolving these critical issues. 

"This ongoing deadlock not only undermines the morale of university staff but also poses a significant threat to overall academic and administrative effectiveness. The failure to address these grievances creates a demoralizing work environment that adversely affects productivity and staff commitment to their roles within the institution". 

In light of these challenges, ASUU-IMSU remains resolute in its commitment to seeking equitable resolutions that will restore confidence and enhance the working conditions within Imo State University.

 They emphasize the urgent need for concrete actions and meaningful dialogue to ensure that the university can fulfill its mission effectively and provide a conducive environment for teaching, research, and community engagement.

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