Deduct Tithes Straight from Workers' Salaries, Archbishop Begs Government

Lagos, June 23, 2024 — Archbishop Peter Adewale, a prominent religious leader, has called on the government to implement a policy mandating the deduction of tithes directly from workers' salaries.

 In a passionate plea during a recent church service, Archbishop Adewale argued that such a measure would ensure consistent and faithful tithing among Christians, which he believes is essential for both spiritual growth and church funding.

The Archbishop highlighted the challenges many congregants face in managing their finances, suggesting that automatic deductions would simplify the process and alleviate the burden on individuals.

 "Many of our faithful struggle with the discipline of regular tithing due to financial pressures and forgetfulness.

 By implementing a system where tithes are deducted at the source, we can help our members fulfill their spiritual obligations more effectively," he stated.

This proposal has sparked a mixed reaction among the public and government officials.

 Supporters argue that it could enhance the financial stability of churches and promote responsible financial habits among workers.

 Critics, however, raise concerns about the implications for individual financial autonomy and the separation of church and state.

The government has yet to respond to the Archbishop's request, but the debate it has ignited continues to gain traction across various social and religious platforms.

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