ITC moves to permanent site ...decries non readiness of new park

Management of Imo Transport Company has moved it's operations to Owerri /Onitsha Road near Arugo Park

Recalled the  state government  recently  directed the management of state transport company to move to it's permanent site along Onitsha Road.

Speaking to newsmen who were on ground to monitor the movement, the managing director of ITC, Chief Emeka Duru  expressed support for the present government and it's policy to sanitize the state of illegal motor parks 

The seasoned transporter who was on ground to ensure the relocation was effected appealed  to the state government to ensure the new park was put in good shape.

In his words,' as you can see we are moving into the new place. We can't disobey the state government. It means well for the company. Though this place is not ready. We are trying in putting things we can to make it inhabitable. We pray the state government to come to our aide by putting this new in order and clearing all the illegal parks around us

In a matter of days we will move all our vehicles down here. This place is spacious but some things like convenience, fuel dump, among others need to be put in place', he added

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