Legislative Exploits of Eddy Obinna in Building Imo of Our Collective Dream. By Martin Nwoko

The Legislative exploits of Hon. Chief Eddy Obinna since the inception of Imo 9th house of Assembly calls for commendation, owing to his immense contributions and diligence to service as it relates to effective representation of the good people of Aboh Mbaise state constituency.

You can agree with me that the duty of representating a state constituency as in the case of Imo State House of Assembly and also as a lawmaker in our clime, is one that comes with onerous task. That not withstanding, Hon. Eddy Obinna has weathered the storm this two and half years in giving his people who overwhelmly voted for him to represent them at the 9th Imo House of Assembly.

According to Martin Luther King Jr. "Life's most persistent and urgent question is 'what are you doing for others?" 

It may interest you to know that prior to his victory at the 2019 general election, Eddy Obinna has made indelible mark in the life's of many indigent, less privileged and the youths in Aboh Mbaise LGA and society at large through his philanthropic gestures and benevolence. 

Ochoudo as popularly called is heading very important house Committees in the 9th Assembly before he was unanimously chosen as the Deputy Chief Whip of Imo State House of Assembly, a position he has performed excellently well in. 

His dedication to duty has made it practically impossible to find Hon. Eddy Obinna missing during plenary when important issues concerning Imo State and the good people of Aboh Mbaise are brought on the front burner 

As a goal driven Lawmaker who understands the essence why he was unanimously chosen by his people to represent them, Hon. Eddy Obinna has successfully sponsored one (1) bill, eighteen (18) motions and co-sponsored over thirty (30) bills, motions under  his watch and many more still on the way to give qualitative representation to the good people of Aboh Mbaise. 

The exploits of the pragmatic Lawmaker Hon. Chief Eddy Obinna did not come to many who know him over the years as a surprise but it would have been surprising if he had failed to give good account of his stewardship to the people of Aboh Mbaise. 

The cordial relationship between members of the 9th  Imo State House of Assembly and the Executive ably led by Distinguished Senator Hope Uzodinma has continued to yeild good dividends of democracy for the good of Imo State. 

As a patriotic Imo Imolite, the Aboh Mbaise lawmaker has remained committed  in seeing that the state grows as captured in the 3R mantra of the present administration in the state.

Hon. Eddy Obinna has been at the forefront in seeing that dividends of democracy accruable to his people from the government of Senator Hope Uzodinma gets to them promptly and unhindered.

The Aboh Mbaise lawmaker believes firmly in the shared vision of building Imo of our collective dream, a state where every Imolite will be proud of.

His zeal and commitment alongside his colleagues at the 9th Assembly to support the present administration in the state to succeed in its policies and programmes is second to non. 

At the home front, Hon. Eddy Obinna is unarguably doing its best in ensuring that the Shared Prosperity Government of Distinguished Senator Hope Uzodinma succeeds.

One of the good attributes of representating  people at the legislature either at the national or state level is to have a functional constituency office where constituents who are unable to go to the legislative chambers to meet their representative can easily go to his or her constituency office for one assistance or the other. 

Hon. Eddy Obinna as a man in-tune with his people, has a functional constituency office where the good people of Aboh Mbaise comes on a regular basis to make enquiry, seek for his support and that of the government in their areas of needs.

As a man 'walking the talk' matched with actions, mention must be of the Deputy Chief Whip multi-million naira empowerment programme he offered last year December to his constituents to improve their socio-economic well-being.

Ochoudo being one of  the touch lights of 'Shared Prosperity' government in Aboh Mbaise gave out cash empowerment to petty traders in the area, barbing salon kits with generators, grinding machines, hair dressing equipments, tailoring machies, brand new cars, brand new motorcycles and many others too numerous to mention.

To the glory of God, one year after, most of those who benefited from this impactful empowerment programme are now self reliant and some have emerged employers of labour because they have people training under them.

Being a man of peace which earned him the Prestigious Chieftaincy title 'Ocho Udo Madu Ibeya", Hon. Eddy Obinna has maintained steady peace and growth of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Aboh Mbaise, Mbaise in general and the state at large alongside other political leaders in the area. 

As a grassroot politician with human face, the pragmatic lawmaker has remained accessible and reachable to his people and this alone have drawn so many people from other political parties to join him in his political family, APC.

Without sounding immodest, Hon. Eddy Obinna's level of patriotism and contributions to the growth of democracy in Imo State is actually what the state needs in such a time like this to make headway in its democratic journey.

Building the Imo of our collective Dream is a responsibility for all well meaning Imo sons and daughters irrespective of ones political affiliation or inclination. There is need to support the present administration in the state to succeed in its bid to reposition the state in line with its 3R mantra which is hinged on Reconstruction, Rehabilitation and Recovery. 

Hon. Eddy Obinna without missing words is a true definition of what a patriotic Imolite should be in terms of putting the interest of the state ahead of his personal interest. 

His good track records, zeal and commitment to the socio-economic growth of the Imo State inline with Governor Hope Uzodinma's drive to develop the state calls for commendation and emulation. 

It is said that the reward for success is said to be more work, it is expected that this illustrious son of Aboh Mbaise who has made his constituents proud within this short period of time will not renege in his efforts to serve his people and the entire state for a more prosperous Imo.

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